Monday, October 4, 2010


my blog to here:

See ya all there :)


Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Myth of Multi-tasking

This is from an article I read on the Daily Good website:

To do two things at once is to do neither. --Publilius Syrus 

All the streams from the social web have created a flood of information over the past few years. With this influx of life and data streams comes the desire to stay on top of it all. And for many people, that means multi-tasking. Checking email while Tweetdeck keeps up with Twitter, while we pop over to Facebook to look at our friends’ latest photos.

It’s intuitive to think that handling so many tasks at once makes us better at handling many tasks. But that’s wrong, according to Stanford professor Clifford Nass. According to Nass, the more you multi-task, the worse you get at it, and it adversely impacts your ability to do all kinds of things a brain should do (like, you know, think). He’s just written a book calledThe Man Who Lied to His Laptop, which explores how as computers have become more human-like, we as users have started treating them as such. Additionally, Nass writes, we can study how people interact with computers to see how we’ll act with each other......

You can read the entire article here

Saturday, October 2, 2010


The whole idea behind starting this blog was to benefit everyone, a lil something for all, not a personal doesn't take much to plant the seed of change to bring about a positive result in your life and also motivate others to do the same...

The title of this entry is called "Mystery" because I decided to come up with a daily theme for this blog. For ex: I will try and stick to food articles on Thursdays, Medicinal/Scientific facts on Wednesdays, etc... and Saturday will be a mystery article... As you start following my blog regularly, you will figure out my weekly pattern....

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it and sharing it with you. But more than anything, I hope you benefit from something if not everything that I share here on my blog.

Shubh Ratri (Good night in Hindi)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Eat this....

As kids we used to hear "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"....
In North America, we can find different varieties of apples even in October.

So next time you're at your local grocery store, stop by the produce section and pick up an apple or two.... here's 10 reasons why:

  1. Bone Protection
  2. Reduces Asthma 
  3. Alzheimer's Prevention
  4. Lower Cholestrol
  5. Lung Cancer Prevention
  6. Breast Cancer Prevention
  7. Colon Cancer Prevention
  8. Liver Cancer Prevention
  9. Diabetes Management
  10. Weight Loss